Successful PhD defense of Marcello including a great talk about heteroduplex RNA feeding!
Martin´s RNA Podcasts with the German Human Genome-Phenome Archive are avaialbe here:
Annula meeting of the DGP in Haltern am See
Great talks, great people and a poster prize: nice to meet the crowd again
Our first metal-tox paper is published in cooperation with the Bornhost group in Chemosphere:
Microbial impact to environmental toxicants Ni(II) and Co(II): Joint toxicity and cellular response in Paramecium
Franzi was honored with the Karl Gottlieb Grell award for outstanding PhD thesis at the joint meeting of ISOP, ECOP and DGP in Vienna.
Marcello gave a talk at the ISOP/ECOP/DGP in Vienna about dsRNA amplification. There is an arrow towards the speaker, the hall was huge :-).
Congrats to Franzi who successfully defended her PhD thesis in Saarbrücken: back to the beginning! A pleasure to listen to her talk and to meet old friends.
Our new paper is published about an old an ongoing question on the evolution of surface antigens:
Pirritano, Yakovlela, Potekhin and Simon:
Species specific duplication of surface antigen genes in Paramecium
The 41st annual meeting of the DGP [summer edition] is appraoching.
We warmly welcome you to the 41st annual conference of the DGP. Due to the Covid pandemic, the meeting will take place exceptionally in summer. We hope to be able to meet again in person and discuss science, research and much more.
Thanks to the numerous sponsors, there will be reduced fees for 25 students and doctoral students: the only requirement is the active contribution in the form of a poster or a lecture.
Likewise, Tuesday’s workshop on RNAseq will be free of charge for the first 40 undergraduate and graduate students who register. Postdocs only pay the subsistence costs. The workshop will give an introduction to all aspects of RNA seq, starting with the isolation of long and short RNA, the various methods of library preparation, the function and specification of the sequencing platform and an introduction to bioinformatics principles.
The conference includes a special session on the subject of endosymbiosis, an exciting area that is making great strides in many respects. We invite you to lectures in this area. Of course, all other topics of the DGP are represented at the conference, from morphology to diversity to genetics.
We hope to see everyone in Bergisch Gladbach in July. The hotel is easily accessible both by public transport and by car and offers us an ideal conference environment.
For questions, please write us:
Franzi & Martin
See details and the program at the meetings website.
See our new review on Paramecium epigenetics, together with Jens Boenigk from University Duisburg/Essen:
Paramecium epigenetics in development and proliferation
Franziska Drews, Jens Boenigk, Martin Simon
Our new paper is published in Genome Research:
Broad domains of histone marks in the highly compact Paramecium macronuclear genome
Franziska Drews, Abdulraham Salhab, Sivarajan Karunanithi, Miriam Cheaib, Martin Jung, Marcel Schulz, Martin Simon
Our new paper is published:
Drews F., Karunanithi S, Götz U, Marker S, DeWijn R, Pirritano M, Rodrigues-Viana AM, Jung M, Gasparoni G, Schulz MH, Simon M:
Two Piwis with Ago-like functions silence somatic genes at the chromatin level
Franzi will give a talk at the 2021 Ciliate Molecular Biology meeting
“Chromatin landscape of the Paramecium macronucleus: How do broad domains of histone marks, well positioned nucleosomes and Pol II orchestrate gene expression in a compact genome?”
New textbook available: Boenigk, Biologie with several chapters by Martin